Azerbaijan championship concluded


On February 21-22, Azerbaijan Weightlifting Championship among males and females concluded in the competition hall of Shuvelan Weightlifting Academy. In the competition, arranged with the cooperative organization of Ministry of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan Weightlifting Federation, attended by approximately 100 athletes representing sport clubs and communities from all regions of the country.

The object of the competition has been to identify the strongest young athletes in the country, to promote and develop weightlifting, to strengthen the ties of friendship, to increase the skill level of athletes, as well as to prepare for the upcoming international competitions.

The last athletes, who boarded the platform,  were in the men’s weight categories of 89, 96, 102 and +109 kg. Senan Mirzayev, Nailkhan Nabiyev, Ali Shukurlu and Ismayil Gurbanov got the title of winner, respectively.


89, 96, 102 and +109 kg

 N       Name Year Country/City Club Weight Snatch Clean and Jerk Total
89 kg
1. Mirzayev Senan 1999 Baku Spartak 82.8 140 160 300
2. Taghızadeh Jeyhun 1995 Lankaran Zirve 87.0 131 161 292
3. Mamayev Yashar 2003 Neftchala Zirve 81.9 117 130 247
4. Huseynov Zaur 2004 Gazakh UGİM 84.3 95 115 210
5. Muradlı İltimas 2004 Lankaran UGİM 85.2 92 113 205
6. Gasımzadeh Umud 2001 Jalilabad UGİM 82.4 111 0
7. Guliyev Ali 2003 Goranboy UGİM 83.5 0
96 kg
1. Nabiyev Nailkhan 1994 Baku Spartak 96.0 145 175 320
2. İsmayılov Kamran 1993 Sumgait Zirve 90.6 142 175 317
3. Fataliyev Huseyn 2005 Lankaran Zirve 89.1 90 110 200
102 kg
1. Shukurlu Ali 2003 Sumgait Zirve 97.2 110 130 240
+109 kg
1. Qurbanov İsmayıl 2000 Gobustan Zirve 129.5 135 188 323
2. Kazımov Rehman 2001 Khırdalan Zirve 118.3 0





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